Monday, September 5, 2011

poems by ross vassilev

under attack

the afternoon
of 9/11 I realized
the world
will not end
with a whimper

but with a huge


some Air Force
pilot was recorded

“I think the Russians
snuck one by us.”


with minds like that
America will always
be OK.

then I realized
now they’ve got
their excuse to
invade one
country after

the carnage
had only begun.

rolling thunder

ask me if I support the troops
and the honest answer is

what matters most to me right now
is white butterflies

the patriots can go off to Iraq
or Afghanistan and get themselves
killed if they want. I couldn’t
care less--

bin Laden never did anything
to me

(when you look at things my way
nothing really matters.)

I’d rather think of red roses
and Joely Richardson dancing
nude and buxom in
Lady Chatterley
as it starts to rain outside.

chop my head off and stick on a pole

roaming the hot streets
praying for rain
if you’re like me--
beat down by uncontrollable
unknowable forces
then you need to find something useful
to waste your days with
like playing guitar
exposing yourself to Girl Scouts
or shooting people just to impress Jodie Foster. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

short stories update

were looking for short stories of any kind as long as it scares the living crap out of us.
submit up 5 short stories.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Horror Tails for the blind

Horror Tails for the blind is are other tittle            

Dark clouds follow me home

by unknown poet

sometimes madness follows me home  from work before I even see
the sunset in bloody read tears of labor pains
the incriminating imprints of hard work
bat clinging on eye lids
they blind me in a mist of tears of hopeless
And all awl those is sit on that dead tree.
working the grave-shift
I'm made home.

This site was created for anything horror and guideline to submit poems and short stories are simple:

Email up 5 poems to